Walking and Biking
Sidewalk Gaps
Progress has been made in recent years on closing sidewalk gaps on the South Side, with new sidewalks constructed along Ann Street and Deshler Avenue. However, there are still many streets with missing sidewalks, especially in the neighborhoods east of Parsons Avenue. Note, the map linked below is based on 2019 data and does not include the entirety of the area commission’s boundaries.
Map of South Side Sidewalks PDF file
Crosswalk Inventory
The map above shows locations of the following within the South Side and surrounding area:
- Intersections with traffic signals
- Intersections with all-way stops
- Crosswalks with flashing beacons
- Marked crosswalks at uncontrolled crossing locations (a pedestrian crossing that does not include a traffic signal, beacon, or STOP sign to require that motor vehicles stop before entering the crosswalk)
- Crosswalks where enhancements are planned
The map also shows the Vision Zero Columbus High Injury Network, which are roadways where an especially high number of crashes occur that result in serious injuries or fatalities.
Clicking on a location will provide more information about the treatments at that crosswalk.
The map is a work in progress and is not guaranteed to be completely accurate.
Bike Network
The City of Columbus is currently working on Bike Plus, a plan to create a safe, connected, and comfortable network for people to bike, scooter, skate, and roll in the city. We are looking forward to a plan to expand upon and improve our existing bikeways to create a complete network of safe and comfortable bikeways on the South Side.